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The Euphorbia Eritrea is a beautiful beautifully branched cactus. The cactus has a rough and tough appearance and is very strong. Officially, the Euphorbia Eritrea is not a cactus (but a succulent cactus) but is often mistaken for it. It is very photogenic and highly recommended for plant lovers with less green fingers. Euphorbia Cacti are a real trend on the houseplant market.
Care Instructions
Cacti are masters of survival. They can store a lot of water, so they can easily be dry for longer periods. At lower temperatures in winter, a cactus can go without water for 3 months (some cactus species can shrink slightly). At lower temperatures it is better to keep the soil dry. However, if the plant is in full sun in the living room and/or above a radiator, watering once a month is recommended.This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from urbanjngl.com
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The natural substances from the juice of the Aloe Vera are very good for the skin and are used in sunscreen, after sun and skin cream. It also helps with eczema and is the best remedy for sunburned skin. The Aloe Vera is also processed in yogurt and juice because it is said to have a calming effect on the stomach. The plant is super strong and virtually immune to diseases.
Care Instructions
The plant uses little water and is very easy to care for, an ideal plant for people without green fingers. Aloe Vera is a succulent, also called a succulent plant, just like the cactus. This means that the Aloe stores water in its trunk and leaves for later use. Only water the plant when the soil is really dry again. In the summer it can take up to a week before it is necessary to water again, in the winter the plant goes into hibernation and water is often only needed once a month. The plant does not have high requirements in terms of location, although it prefers a spot in partial shade.
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from urbanjngl.com
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It is a tropical houseplant with beautiful large leaves. The Musa Oriental Dwarf grows steadily, creating thick leaves and a sturdy rootstock.Care InstructionsBanana plants like a light spot and lots of water. The soil can always be quite moist, so water the plant regularly. A banana likes a lot of heat 13 °C is the minimum temperature. In winter the plant can be kept a little cooler and therefore water a little less. The banana is a separate container plant and can be placed outside on your terrace in the summer, provided it is not too cold. The banana cannot tolerate frost, so bring the plant indoors on time. Trim old, unsightly leaves to encourage new leaf growth. Banana leaf is very fragile. Small tears or damage in the leaf are common with this plant, but this is not harmful to the plant. The banana produces on average 1 new leaf per week and a damaged leaf will quickly be replaced by a new leaf.This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from urbanjngl.com
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Fortunately, the plant stays a lot smaller in the house and usually does not grow taller than 2 meters. This plant is by far the number 1 in the list of the best air-purifying plants! The Areca filters impure particles through the leaf and uses them to make building material for itself. Because of this useful property, the plant is also very popular in office environments. In addition to its practicality, the Areca is also simply a beautiful appearance with its narrow, glossy leaves.
Care of the Areca Dypsis Lutescens
The Areca is not a difficult plant to keep happy. Preferably in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. It is important to give the Areca small amounts of lukewarm/warm water and occasionally feel whether the soil is still moist . This houseplant originally grows in a climate with high humidity. By regularly spraying the leaf of the palm, the Areca palm remains beautiful.
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from urbanjngl.com
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When the new leaves grow they are coiled and show their pinkish red undersides, when they emerge they are light green and darken with age. The Makoyana is pet-friendly and prefers a bit of shade, so she's the perfect choice to brighten up an otherwise dull corner. Fun fact: It is also known as the Praying Plant because it closes its leaves at night.
The Calathea comes from tropical areas in America such as Brazil and Columbia. Calatheas also bring clean air! In your home, significant amounts of harmful gas particles are trapped by the leaves of this plant and they give oxygen in return! The climate in the house is better for everyone by using these plants. These air-purifying plants are suitable for homes, schools and offices.
Care Instructions
A Calathea is not only a beautiful plant to look at, it also has an air-purifying effect. Place the plant in a light place, but not in direct sun. He also likes a place a little further in the room. Spray the leaves at least once a week, because as a jungle plant it needs high humidity. Furthermore, Calatheas are not poisonous, and they can grow to a size of about 100 cm.
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from urbanjngl.com
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International Depending on where you’re located, we offer next day delivery. Check status on this link
Striking about this plant is the beautiful drawing on the leaf. The Calathea Orbifolia can grow up to 1 meter high and has a strong air-purifying property. The large leaves of the Orbifolia easily convert CO2 into fresh oxygen. A specific feature of the Calathea species is that they close their leaves in the evening. So don't be alarmed if you hear a rustling sound in the evening. The next morning the plant is just showing off its leaves again.
Caring for Calathea Orbifolia
Since the Calathea Orbifolia originates from the rainforest, it loves a good drink of water. Make sure that the soil around the houseplant is moist at all times, so that the plant does not dry out. In nature, these plants grow in the shade of larger trees and plants. This is why the Calathea like it a little darker. Place the plant in a shaded spot without direct sunlight. This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from urbanjngl.com
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Mid weeks Monday to friday we offer next day delivery if the product is on stock and exceptions on holidays.
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International Depending on where you’re located, we offer next day delivery. Check status on this link
The plant is characterized by its green with yellow striped leaves. It is an ideal houseplant for people without green fingers. The Sansevieria purifies the air and improves the humidity in a room.
Care Instructions
Sansevierias like a light position with full sun to partial shade and need little water. Sansevierias consume very little water. The 'only way' to kill a Sansevieria is to overwater the plant. It is important that all the soil has dried thoroughly before you water the plant again, otherwise, there is a risk of root rot. In winter, the plant can safely go without water for 6 to 8 weeks. During the growing period (in spring and summer), watering once every 2 weeks is sufficient. The plant does well in both a dark and light position.
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from urbanjngl.com